LTTsmart - Precision measurement data acquisition system

The high-precision LTTsmart measurement data acquisition system is ideally suited as a compact DAQ or power analyzer module for measurements in industry

LTTsmart - DAQ modules

The LTTsmart is a consistent further development of our precision measurement data acquisition devices. In a top-hat rail housing, the measuring device is ideally designed for use in industrial environments and represents a flexible solution for your measuring task.

As a high-precision measuring device (DAQ system), the LTTsmart is ideal for recording electrical data. Electrical signals can be recorded and analysed according to internal calculations.

Each module in the aluminum housing consists of two channels each and can be flexibly extended by several modules in different variants of input channels. The flexible selection of the modules allows to design a tailored solution to the respective requirement.

As power analyzer, its measurement accuracy makes it ideally for the development of electromobility. For example, the LTTsmart is perfectly suited for use in power analysis of inverter signals on battery-powered electric motors, in OEM test bench construction or for power quality measurement. The high-precision measurement technology allows for an unprecedented reduction in measurement errors!

The best way to convince yourself of our high-speed measuring device is to visit us live and arrange a demo appointment with us today. Click here, to get in contact with us!

LTTsmart - important facts


The data acquisition system has the following advantages:

  • up to 2 MHz sampling rate per channel (optional 4 MHz per channel)
  • 900 kHz bandwidth (optional 1,7 MHz)
  • extremely high precision: 0.015%*signal + 0.015%*range
  • 24 Bit A/D Converter - extremely low noise and distortion free
  • highly synchronous up to 16 channels per device and multiple devices
  • 2500 VDC galvanic isolation of all channels
  • meets the requirements of DIN IEC 60034-2-3-3
  • Voltage and current inputs: up to ±1000 Vrms
  • optional ICP®, charge, DMS and/or pulse
  • Voltage and current inputs: up to ±1000 Vrms
  • compact and robust for operation near inverter

Technische Spezifikationen hier zum Download

2-channel high speed 2MHz dataacquisition modules

The LTTsmart offers you the following technical specifications:

Module versionChannel description

LTTsmart HH

Power Analyzer

Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, High Volt: ±1000 Vrms

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, High Volt: ±1000 Vrms

LTTsmart LH

Power Analyzer light

Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, High Volt: ±1000 Vrms

LTTsmart LL


Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V

Ch2: Volt:  ±500 mV and ±10 V

LTTsmart LDI


Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Strain-Gauge (DMS), Charge, ICP®: AC and DC

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Strain-Gauge (DMS), Charge, ICP®: AC and DC



Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Strain-Gauge (DMS), Charge, ICP®: AC and DC

and pulse/counter AZ inputs (1.2ns resolution)

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Strain-Gauge (DMS), Charge, ICP®: AC and DC

LTTsmart LI

SensorCorder light

Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Charge, ICP®: AC und DC

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV and ±10 V, Charge, ICP®: AC und DC

LTTsmart MM


Ch1: Volt: ±500 mV, ±10 and ± 90 V

Ch2: Volt: ±500 mV, ±10 and ± 90 V



Technical Specifications - download here:

LTTsmart in 19-inch housing

The LTTsmart is the answer to the rapidly increasing demand for broadband and high-resolution measurement technology for airbag test benches and electric motor test benches, for example.

For the quality analysis and monitoring of such systems, a high number of channels, a high signal bandwidth, perfect synchronicity and very fine signal resolution are required at the same time - and sometimes even at very high signal voltages.

The compact LTTsmart 19-inch systems meet precisely these requirements perfectly. By selecting different channel modules, voltages up to 1500 V, currents, sensors such as ICP®, strain gages and charge can be connected to the galvanically isolated measuring channels. These are sampled highly synchronously with up to 4 MHz sampling rate per channel and 24 bit resolution. The analog bandwidth is 1.7 MHz. The amplitude resolution is better than ±(0.015% signal+0.015% range) in all measuring ranges.

In addition, pulse/counter channels are available to record speed pulses with 1.2 ns time resolution. All relevant physical signals, such as torque and speed, are recorded simultaneously with the electrical variables and lead, for example, to a highly accurate efficiency calculation in an electric motor test bench.

The measurement data acquisition system LTTsmart brings the decades of experience of the leading high-end measurement technology specialist Labortechnik Tasler GmbH into the modern test bench world: either with stand-alone software or, thanks to efficient software interfaces, it can be integrated into all existing solutions. You can find out more about our software solutions below or by clicking here.

The LTTsmart is also used in many other applications, for example:

  • underwater noise
  • structure-borne noise
  • turbochargers
  • research & development
  • and much more

Supported sensors

Standard connection depending on module

The LTTpro software keeps an eye on your measurement

The LTTpro software keeps track of all your measurements. We offer the following options for our LTTpro software:

  • LTTpro: Control and Visualization Software
  • LTTpro: Poweranalysis
  • LTT2API: Library for integration into customer applications
  • LTT library for the connection to DASYLab, GI.bench, Matlab, m.Lab, LabView etc.

You can also purchase a 1-year license for software updates and/or an online mathematics function from us.

Of course, customer-specific adaptations of our software are also possible. We will be pleased to make you an individual offer. Simply send us an e-mail to kontakt(at)tasler.de or give us a call.



Here you can find the LTTsmart on Induux:

Link to induux.de