Material tests on gas turbine blades

Exciting material tests were carried out at a component manufacturer for gas turbines.

Last week, our expert Michael Tasler and our sales partner Gantner Instruments visited one of Germany's leading turbine component manufacturers.

The aim of the measurements was to check gas turbines. The stability of the turbine blades is particularly important here in order to avoid idling and dangerous accidents. The predictability of material breakage is crucial here, which is why the durability of the material is determined by appropriate material tests.

The LTTsmart is used as a smart measurement data acquisition system for this purpose. It can be used to collect electrical data in long-term recording and analyze it with the appropriate software. The resulting vibration analyses then provide an approach for improving the material.

The LTTsmart, which we also offer as a power analyzer, is the perfect measurement data acquisition system for industrial environments.